L'Espagnole is back with 6 different styles available through a hud. You can find it, as usual, at the main store with a discount on the price of the hud for the group members of AlaFolie.
If you search a little in the main store, you will find a 200 L$ gift just for you :) (limited to one by person). This hint will help you in your search :
Do not back away too much to click on the gift card or you will be stung :)
Have fun and Merry Chrismas festivities :)
AlaFolie reaches this week the age of reason (7 years ago :)). But who says age of reason, does not say necessarily reasonable ! So to celebrate this event, all items of the main store, outside the Good Deal section, receive a discount of 50% as refund after purchase until Thursday, December 25 inclusive. In addition, you can buy gift cards for your friends at the entrance of the main store.
If you need help using the vendors or using a gift cards, you can see the following documentation on the website of AlaFolie :
Enjoy :)
Alafolie presents the Spider Horror Show hat specially crafted for the The Hiding Acorns Hat Hunt which occurs from October 24th to November 16 th. You can get information about the hunt by visiting the Cubby Hole Hunts website. The hint to find your gift at AlaFolie is :
Careful not to prick yourself picking your gift
Have fun !!!