AlaFolie takes part to Fundraiser for Alberta to support victims of the forest fire from may 15th to may 31th with a special edition of Baba Dress sold only during this event. All the benefit of this sale is given to the Red Cross.
Price : 380 L$
The Runway Perfect hunt is from May 1st to May 31st
You can get all the info on their website, The Runway Perfect hunt or their Flickr group.
The hunt start at Moondance Boutique
The hint for AlaFolie is :
What does this object under my feet ?
?Enjoy :)
Fitted mesh
Slink mesh body support
Can be worn with Maitreya mesh body too
Fat pack shipped with a hud to switch between 8 differents textures for the dress and 16 different textures for the ribbon :
Special Revamped price : 800 L$
One texture model :
Special Revamped price : 300 L$
As a AlaFolie group member you get a 200 L$ gift card near the fountain in the main store.