NAÎG is available for Maitreya, Slink original and hourglass, Tonic fine and curvy. It's an exclusivity for Fetish Fair.
COLETTE is available as a fatpack with a 20 textures hud for 10 dresses. You can shorten the dress. You can also get COLETTE standalone with a hud special for each dress. It supports Maitreya, Slink original and hourglass, Tonic fine and curvy, and one Standard size (Ruth).
MACHEMISE is available as a fatpack with a 12 textures hud. The hud also allows you to add 6 different specular and normal maps effects on these textures. Advanced lighting is required to see these efects. You can also get MACHEMISE alone without the hud. This version is also shipped with the jean. It supports Maitreya, Slink original and hourglass, Tonic fine and curvy, and two Standard sizes (Ruth, and Zeta).
Fat pack : 4680 L$ / groupe 50% = 2340 L$
Single version with the jean : 490 L$ / groupe 50% = 245 L$
AlaFolie takes part to Valentine Shop&Hop 2020 organised by Linden Lab from Febuary 6th to February 23rd with designs sold with 30% discount and some gifts. Enjoy !