AlaFolie is sponsoring the Spoonful of sugar event to benefit Doctors without border which will occur between September 14th and September 29th 2019.
Group in Second Life : Spoonful Of Sugar (SOS) Festival
You will find there the novelty of AlaFolie, Malaika.
Two versions of this dress are 100 % donated to Spoonful of Sugar
DOS NU is available in 3 different fatpacks : one with the version with patterns of DOS NU, one with the plain color version of DOS NU, and one with both versions with patterns and plain color. Each fat pack comes with a hud allowing you to change between the plain colors and/or the patterns.It supports Maitreya, Slink original and hourglass. Standard sizes on request.
Price :
Fat pack : 690 L$
Fat pack patterns version only : 490 L$
Fat pack plain color version only : 490 L$
You can get it at Vanity event until September 25th
CHARLIE is available in 3 different fatpacks : one with the sweet and skirt, the two others wirh the sweet or the skirt Each fat pack comes with a hud allowing you to change between 15 different textures, and add or remove the frills. You can also get the sweet or the skirt alone without the hud. It supports Maitreya, Slink original and hourglass, and Tonic fine and curvy. Standard sizes on request.
Fatpack sweet and skirt : L$1580
Fatpack sweet : L$980
Fatpack skirt : L$980
Sweet alone : L$ 150
Skirt alone : L$ 150
10% discount for the AlaFolie group members.
A sl bug appears from time to time on the transparent textures of the frills. Just detaching the skirt and wearing it after should solve the problem. If it's not the case, then unlog/relog.
Item made for X By FaMESHed !
Available in 8 colors - jewelry sell separatly.
Compatible : Maitreya Lara - Slink
This product was created in collaboration between Utakaneki ( Ramen ラーメン ) and Pixivor Allen ( AlaFolie ).We hope that you will enjoy this collaboration between France and Japan as much as we do.
Fatpack skirt : 1900 L$
Skirt alone : 250 L$
Fatpack jewels : 400 L$
Bracelet : 199 L$
Necklace : 150 L$