AlaFolie is sponsor of Miss Virtual World 2011 organised by Best Of SL and which put in competition second life residents of several country around the world.
You can see a television boradcast of the event on the sim of AlaFolie Saturday December 18th at 10:00 am SLT. Follow the SLURL below.
AlaFolie takes part to the fashion show under the Eiffel Tower this Sunday Dec. 5th at 12:00 pm SLT. We’re waiting for you
For the third time, AlaFolie takes part to Peace On Earth hunt. Come and enjoy all the beautiful gifts prepared for you by all the designers who participate.
Have fun !!!
Update :
Hunt has begun and here is the SLURL of the first step :
POE3 #001 ABJ Aurora Borealis Jewelry
La liste des participants / The list of participants
A Passion for Virtual Fashion has published a nice article on Lady Chocolat.