FFL 2011 last from march 12th until march 22d. You can make donations when you buy from the special RFL vendors. You will be presented a price to buy but you can offer more if you wish. You can buy among them Iris Noir, sold exclusively on Fashion for Life, and its jewels set sold apart form the outfit. If you look in the stores, you will also find a treasure from the RFL hunt. Enjoy…
Fashion for Life 2011
Magasin AlaFolie
Arriving at the teleportation point of the sim, take the street on the right side of Ricky Lee’shop, go until the end of this little street and you will have AlaFolie in front of you.
The blogs of this week on AlaFolie :
Crazy About SL Fashion : LisaMun Aronowicz has set an outfit on the yellow theme with as dress, Etamine Jaune, the gift in the lucky chair of the main store.
She has also blogged on Café Vanille, gift of the The French Touch Hunt which last until march 13th.
Exclusive discount on a selection of items for the AlaFolie group members until monday march 7th included in the main store. Find the items with a star above them ( if the star is between two items, they are both discounted ) and enjoy ! Don’t forget to activate the groupe before buying to get the refund for the discount. If you still are not a member of the group, it’s a good opportunity to subscribe. Have fun !
One of the discounted outfits
AlaFolie celebrate Saint Valentine’s day with a promotion and a group special gift until monday february 14th included.
Promotion :
Valentine :
800 $L with 50% discount : 400 $L
Group members get 30% discount more as a refund after purchase. So don’t forget to activate the group before buying.
Special group gift : a set of jewelery, Atout Coeur