Today on AlaFolie sim disount on a new creation 50%
500 $L – 50% = 250 $L
500 $L – 50% = 250 $L
On the sim Glance, opening of the « INTERNATIONAL FASHION WEEK 2010″ (July 15th – July 18th)
Discount on the new creation « ELOYSE », 1000$L- 50% = 500$L during all the event. A little gift specially created for this event, « ANGELLE », that you can have for 10$L. A donation to Relay for Life, a unique edition dress created specially for the event which will be sold in biding, Blue
On the sim Fasionnista, Adict hunt, find the needle to get your gift
Creation sold exclusively during auctions sales to benefit Relay for Life which occur on Glance sim.
Fashion Fest 2010 / Relay for Life is opened. Come and enjoy the nine sims dedicated to fashion…